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Adekunle Olubola Hassan

Adekunle Olubola Hassan

Eye Foundation Hospital, Nigeria

Title: Femtolaser assisted cataract surgery versus phacoemulsification for treatment of cataract


Biography: Adekunle Olubola Hassan


Aim: To compare the visual outcomes between Femto-laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) and Phacoemulsification (Phaco) in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: A retrospective analysis was done from the medical records of the patients who underwent FLACS and Phaco in Eye Foundation Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria between July 2015 and December 2015. The age, gender, degree of astigmatism in the third month and the best corrected visual acuity on first day, first month and third month post were noted. Statistical analysis was done using Stata 11. The results of the two procedures were compared. Results: Out of the 96 cataract surgeries performed, 50 cases were FLACS and 46 were Phaco. In our study, 58 were men and 38 were women. The age of patients ranged from 34 to 88 years; mean age was 63.26 (FLACS) and 64.5 (Phaco). Good visual outcome (6/6-6/18 pinhole) was noted in 62% of eyes operated by FLACS compared to 47.8% of eyes operated by Phaco on the first day (p=0.071), 96% of eyes operated by FLACS compared to 63% of eyes operated by Phaco in the first month (p=0.000) and 100% for FLACS and 76% for Phaco in the third month (p=0.001). Less astigmatism was induced by FLACS compared with Phaco measured at third month postoperative interval (p=0.003). Conclusion: Since the visual outcome was significantly better in FLACS compared to Phaco procedure (p=0.000), it is recommended more eye hospitals with adequate facilities for performing intraocular surgery should partner with companies making the machines to get them to avail more people of this facility.